fredag, mars 07, 2008

en nobel människa

Den som skadar en levande varelse är inte nobel; endast den som inte utgör någon fara för någon enda varelse är en nobel människa.

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Gotama Buddha's Life (Animation)

(Highlight (genom att klicka tre gånger på länken), kopiera och klistra in länken i adressfältet i webläsaren. Eller highlight, drag och drop länken i en annan tab, eller tab bar, eller fönster i webläsaren.)

How the Buddha is Honoured

Seeing the Sāla trees blooming with flowers out of season, and other outward demonstrations of piety, the Buddha exhorted His disciples thus:

"It is not thus, Ānanda, that the Tathāgata is respected, reverenced, venerated, honoured, and revered. Whatever Bhikkhu [monk] or Bhikkhuni [nun], Upāsaka [lay male disciple] or Upāsika [lay female disciple] lives in accordance with the Teaching, conducts himself dutifully, and acts righteously, it is he who respects, reverences, venerates, honours, and reveres the Tathāgata with the highest homage. Therefore, Ānanda, should you train yourselves thus -- "Let us live in accordance with the Teaching, dutifully conducting ourselves, and acting righteously." (1)

(Therefore, Ananda, you should thus train and practise, resolving to practise fully according to the Teaching, to be endowed with correctness in the practice of the Teaching, and to live in perfect conformity with righteousness and truth.) (2)

- Mahaparinibbana Sutta


Andra sajter:

*Tathāgata - His disciples addressed Him as Buddha, Bhagavā (Exalted One), Sugata (Well-gone One) etc, while alien followers addressed Him as Bho Gotama, (Venerable Gotama), Samana Gotama (Ascetic Gotama), etc., Referring to Himself the Buddha used the term "Tathāgata" meaning "He who hath thus come", "He who hath thus gone." (

"Buddhists should be good examples to others by practising what they preach: examples are better than any preaching. Only by practice can realization, the understanding of things as they really are, devoid of concept, be achieved. The only way in which we can truly express our gratitude and veneration for the Buddha, our Master, who with infinite compassion showed us the road to the end of suffering, is by practising the Dhamma."

(Venerable Sayadaw Ashin U Thittila -

Let us live and practise the Dhamma well, in conformity with, fully according to the Dhamma.

May there be peace and happiness!

Beaufort sa...

Tack, det var snällt av dig, och inspirerande det som du här delat med dig av! :-)